About Us


Envisions to best support the development process through strengthening policygovernance interface


Unravel varying implications of effectiveness of public policies on society and people.

Development in contemporary times is being increasingly and justifiably connected to interdisciplinary and/or transdisciplinary dialogues. In the 21st century, when the world is witnessing irreversible changes, there is an impending need to explore the existing state of affairs in both global and local spheres in which equality and equity are under severe strain. Under such circumstances the balancing acts among nations is also to be seen in new parameters.

Colloquy: Development and Policy Dialogue (CDPD) has been set up to facilitate research at an academia-activist interface with the intention of sustainable policy and governance in India and other developing countries. CDPD is a not-for-profit research centre, registered under Society registration Act, West Bengal, 1961.


History has revealed that the engagement of intellectual pursuit and activism needs to be blended to approach and define the new world and the future of wo/mankind. In pursuing the goal the Society's main geographical focus will be on countries in the bottom-line of development, with an eye to underprivileged populations. In such endeavour the Society will also adopt extension and outreach programmes. There will also be emphasis on involving the youth in deliberations on issues of concern. Multiple dialogues and relevant documentation are accorded keynote status by the Society to pursue the aims and objectives.

Registered office : 188A/23, Maniktala Main Road, Kolkata 700054.

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